🎙 In the latest episode of DAO or Never we take a deeper look into recent highlights from the DAO world. We discuss the value of Metagov's research on DAO constitutions, try out a web3-native blogging platform geared towards DAOs with multiple contributors, and dissect the change in philosophy that Protocol Guild’s Moloch DAO grant proposal represents. Also on the docket: web3 interoperability and approaches to solving proposal fatigue. Available on Apple and Spotify.
🚀 MoonDAO members have chosen Coby Cotton to be the first amongst them to go to space. More important than the who, is the how (sorry, Coby). In less than a year, MoonDAO has provided a tangible example of how a group of individuals, united by a dream, can make big things happen. What shall we tackle next?
🗳 There are approximately 100 days until the US General Election and it is thrilling to see the power of DAOs being used to facilitate a world that is truly for the people, by the people. We love how ChoiceDAO is using web3 for good. Godspeed.
🌈 Lofty aspirations can often benefit from a little self-awareness. Other Internet and Orca Protocol teamed up to survey active DAOists to understand current challenges in decentralized governance. It’s a must read for anyone in web3 with hopes of creating or contributing to a better place.
🗣 In the vein of learning from the past, MCON wants you to present your stories of bad DAO governance. Keep it classy, people.
Recommended Reading
📚 If you’ve made it this far, presumably you’re here to learn about DAOs. How the devil do I use a Moloch DAO? by DAOhaus’ Spencer Graham follows What the devil are Moloch DAOs, and why should you care?. If your attention span is limited to only a few hundred characters at a time, this thread breaks it down.
Let’s Argue About Definitions Forever
Deadlines and Events
🌿 Seed Club’s Accelerator program – 12 weeks of collaborative learning and building in web3. Applications open August 1.
🌁 August 26-27: hack.summit SF. A two-day knowledge download for developers.
🧠 September 1: 2022 Stanford DAO Workshop. Apply now.
🌶 September 6-9: MCON – for DAO purists. Denver, CO. Apply now.
🇨🇴 October 11 - 14: Devcon Bogota. Tickets available now.
Do you have something that belongs in the DAO Weekly Roundup? Make sure we know about it at hello@logos.xyz.